Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Finish asynchronous operation to get a new collection proxy for a collection in the secret service.
Get a new collection proxy for a collection in the secret service.
Delete this collection.
Complete operation to delete this collection.
Delete this collection.
Get the main Gtk struct
Get the created date and time of the collection. The return value is the number of seconds since the unix epoch, January 1st 1970.
Get the flags representing what features of the #SecretCollection proxy have been initialized.
Get the list of items in this collection.
Get the label of this collection.
Get whether the collection is locked or not.
Get the modified date and time of the collection. The return value is the number of seconds since the unix epoch, January 1st 1970.
Get the Secret Service object that this collection was created with.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Ensure that the #SecretCollection proxy has loaded all the items present in the Secret Service. This affects the result of secret_collection_get_items().
Complete an asynchronous operation to ensure that the #SecretCollection proxy has loaded all the items present in the Secret Service.
Ensure that the #SecretCollection proxy has loaded all the items present in the Secret Service. This affects the result of secret_collection_get_items().
Refresh the properties on this collection. This fires off a request to refresh, and the properties will be updated later.
Search for items matching the @attributes in the @collection. The @attributes should be a table of string keys and string values.
Complete asynchronous operation to search for items in a collection.
Search for items in @collection matching the @attributes, and return their DBus object paths. Only the specified collection is searched. The @attributes should be a table of string keys and string values.
Complete asynchronous operation to search for items in a collection.
Search for items matching the @attributes in @collection, and return their DBus object paths. The @attributes should be a table of string keys and string values.
Search for items matching the @attributes in the @collection. The @attributes should be a table of string keys and string values.
Set the label of this collection.
Complete asynchronous operation to set the label of this collection.
Set the label of this collection.
Create a new collection in the secret service.
Finish operation to create a new collection in the secret service.
Create a new collection in the secret service.
Lookup which collection is assigned to this alias. Aliases help determine well known collections, such as 'default'.
Finish an asynchronous operation to lookup which collection is assigned to an alias.
Lookup which collection is assigned to this alias. Aliases help determine well known collections, such as 'default'.
Get a new collection proxy for a collection in the secret service.
the main Gtk struct
A proxy object representing a collection of secrets in the Secret Service.